Frontline Leadership

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Frontline Leadership

Building a High Performance Leaders

 Welcome back to another all-important session with yours truly at sharing more nuggets at frontline leadership. I strongly believe it is going well with the knowledge and insights we have been sharing on this page. Today we shall explore the art of building high performance leader who take charge of your frontlines. What qualities and directions do frontline leaders possess and how do they get it right?

Frontline leaders are keys to high performance with respect to sales, client account management and the attainment of business objectives. Yet without the needed empowerment, this only stands to be a place for failure. How do we get them to perform? How do you get your frontlines to become a place of high performance? How do you get your frontline leaders to release the embedded potential of productivity, profits and sales from the staff they manage and control?

  1. Clear Vision Definition

High performers everywhere in the world know how to communicate. There is no communication without understanding. Myriads ignore the power behind the meaning of the word understanding. You must embrace the meaning of understanding in order to communicate to your team. The vision of the organization and the mission of serving the customer with value and satisfaction must be understood without any shadow of doubt or ambiguity. It must be clear in all minds and with every member of the team that this is where the bus is going. You can’t afford to have fence sitters; everyone must join the same bus to the one destination. Product and service quality, speed, delivery, increased revenue and focused attention on high-valued patrons must be a high priority for every member of your team to understand.

  1. Courage to Lead

It takes great courage to lead. Although leadership is not about position but function, the authority needed to ensure the fulfillment of the assigned responsibilities rest in the position that gets created for it. Too bad many leaders can’t man up to the task on hand and end up lording it over their team as “bossy” as they can. It takes great courage to lead the team and drive the carriage. You must have courage to communicate the vision and ensure that every part of the team contributes their quota towards it’s fulfillment. Shouting and screaming doesn’t do the work. After all, leadership is about influence and nothing else will click. It’s time to let fear take the backseat and let courage take the wheels. 

  1. Unleash Fresh Passion

You don’t have to let water stay too long in the same bottle. It always has got to be fresh when it comes to customer service and value offerings. The attitude really makes the difference and the potion to do the trick is in the catalyst called passion. Passion helps you serve customers fresh all the time. Passion gives the jolts to the team, the supervisors and customers about the mission. High performers are very passionate people at the frontlines. They radiate the positive energy that rubs on the team. Tap into your passion to lead at the frontlines. 

  1. Face-up to non-performing players

There comes a time in business where you must face up to those who want to wreck the boat off it’s course and objectives whether intentionally or unintentionally. And that time is every day in business. Every moment must be an opportunity to monitor actions of your team and to spot non-performing players. There should be no single moment when you should tolerate mediocrity or poor service quality. High performers knows how to spot non-performers and fence sitters. And leaders in that pedigree are assertive enough to constructively confront the brutal facts in the face. No back-biting or rub it in tactics. Just the facts and possible solutions should be made available so the situation gets reversed or the employee gets moves.

  1. Follow through on commitments

If there is any virtue or attitude that high performing leaders possess that enables them to be that outstanding is this: a follow-through attitude that ensures that promises made on commitments are fulfilled without delay and excuses. Typically people dragging their feet and wasting valuable time at serving the customer in a bank or restaurant or completing a service requests are not within the purview of high performers. Effective leaders know how to keep to the promises they make to their customers with respect to time, delivery, guarantees and cash back policies. If service quality and trust and sincerity can be compromised, then what will be the fate of the system? Businesses can only progress and be propelled by trust, fidelity and utmost good faith.

  1. Communicate

Lastly, high performers know how to communicate to every member in the organization from vertical to horizontal tangents. Effective leaders communicate with clarity, avoid noise and provide prompt feedback that will accelerate progress for the whole team. They also deploy the art of listening by ensuring that they give every member on the team or overseeing managers the chance to share their opinion on subjects and situations. The effectiveness of high performing leaders is bluntly reflected in their effectiveness to communicate on every issue. This spans from the vision, mission, targets, revenue, attitude and service quality, and more.

Resolve to become a high performer this New Year if you are leading at the frontlines or you expect your staff to become effective in managing the frontlines. More importantly enroll your employees now to participate in our monthly performance trainings to give your business the needed ammunition to take your career to a whole new level. It’s time to climb up the ladder with effective leadership.

Contact us quickly without delay. We ensure that you get exceptional professional service plus great value every step of the way. Call also for your Business plans, company profiles branding consulting, marketing management and your performance training needs. You bet, we always ensure that you get it right the first time.
